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Isabel Sonnabend


Love to the

micro & stories


Kurt Magnus Prize

For almost seven years I was out in the country for a radio station, early in the morning, with an old van. The idea behind it was and is to report live from the country what moves people and all about the life we share: dreams, struggles, passions, challenges, and so on.


In March 2021 I won the Kurt Magnus Radio Prize. The jury decided this because they liked my way of telling reports and stories and I was forever happy.

This is what the jury says:


"Isabel Sonnabend creates real listening experiences (...). During one of her (...) assignments, she actually only visits an old tobacco shop, but in our heads we go on a journey through time with her and immerse ourselves in a world of smells, sounds and stories from a bygone era."

This is what the radio station says:


"Isabel Sonnabend lives the motto (...) 'Hear what a country feels'; day after day. In her reports and moderations she radiates lightness and humour, is sensitive and always turned towards people."

And I say this:



Stories can move and connect people. And when told from the bottom of the soul, they can also be glue in wild times. ♡


(swipe for the english and spanish version)


Campus Radio Prize 2012

Every year, the Campus Radio Prize goes to several people who do radio work at Campusradios. In 2012 the time had come.


The prize went to an article in which I researched the rights and obligations of students together with a lawyer and then processed them: Arriving late, missing an exam - is there any salvation?


The Campus Radio Prize is awarded by the State Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia/Germany.

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