Hi, I'm Isabel, and I combine healing with storytelling. How does that fit together? Quite wonderfully.
We often see the world through filters and the stories we tell ourselves. Ready to discover your story and write yourself a new one?
"Storyhealing" means...
... that you put the story you tell yourself to the test. I support you in opening up new perspectives and taking your body, mind and soul with you. I support you in discovering what makes you tick and where your resources, needs and abilities lie.
Some common topics...
...of people who come to me
Emotions Access to feelings, processing & expression
Search for "something" in life that is fulfilling
Major changes and new life stages
Traumatic experiences one-time experiences & attachment traumas
Physical symptoms without found causes & explanation
"Highly sensitive" issues of all kinds (lke shame, guilt, boundaries)
Increased abilities in perception and its handling
Effects after sessions
Dealing with emotions - being able to hold yourself and express yourself freely
Fulfillment - discovering the core of your being, what makes you you
New perspectives and a new perspective concerning change
Symptom relief after integrating the issues that have weakened your body and psyche
Better boundaries Constructive handling of boundaries and of shame and guilt
Increased intuition Trust in yourself and your "inner voice" and abilities!
Storyhealing also means...
... that you get new ideas, inspirations and perspectives through stories.
I also incorporate small readings into sessions if you want to, and you get impressions via illustrations and concrete & empowering stories at hand.