Basically, I have developed my own way of recognizing the depth of things and working with them through my strong sense of feeling and my way of asking questions.
Various techniques have helped and are helping me to expand or access these skills. You can find an initial overview here.
Somatic and energetic work
For me it doesn't work without the body. We are anchored to the earth through him, in contact with him we experience solid down-to-earthness, our body constantly "talks" to us and sends signals.
In somatic-oriented work for me it's about learning to listen to my body again: can I feel myself? How does that feel? If I have a problem, what does my body say about it? The body carries a lot of information with it that can be helpful as soon as we give it the space, and just by feeling, looking, allowing, a breeding ground for healing is created.
From an energetic point of view it's all about helping your body get back on track. I use elements from different approaches to energetic techniques and track down discrepancies with you. In the ancient and also modern understanding of energetics, it is supportive to stimulate the body regulation and activation of the self-healing powers.
"Healing doesn't mean: You fix yourself. It means asking: 'What is preventing you from seeing who you really are?'"
From a trauma-sensitive perspective, I refer to another definition of trauma that includes not having been recognized in one's needs at a moment or over a period of time and/or being so hurt that processing the emotions at that moment was overwhelming. This can affect the nervous system and manifest years later in a variety of ways: Self-sabotage, pain, unfulfilling relationships, and more. This doesn't have to be just shock trauma and obviously impactful experiences, this can be more subtle and have an effect.
After such situations, one approach is to reintegrate these "parts" by noticing, sensing and feeling them, without having to rewind the associated traumatic story in a continuous loop. Peter Levine's idea from Somatic Experiencing®, in whose training I am at the Institute for SE in Barcelona, also fits in with this. I also incorporate elements from other approaches such as NARM®, which is about attachment styles that interfere with life. This approach is also oriented towards reorientation and finding resources in the here and now. They can support you to become free again to shape your path with self-empowerment and become aware of your own body and soul resources.
Work with the unconscious
Different approaches like analytical psychology according to C.G.Jung are working with the assumption, that the unconscious is an essential motor in what we experience and how we behave. In other words, once we have access to unconscious and subconscious processes, we can work with them and change our reality to some extent.
"Until you become aware of the unconscious, it will control your life and you will call it destiny."
Carl Jung
Psychoanalysis, for example, deals with symbols and archetypes, myths and fairy tales. In addition to mental illnesses, the search for one's own strength and creative self-expression are also important when working with people.
I like to incorporate these approaches into my work when it comes to finding new resources and let them inspire me when telling and inventing stories, more here.