Hello, I'm Isabel, and I connect healing with storytelling. How does that fit together? Very wonderful.
We tell and experience stories through our own filters. Throughout our lives we develop stories that shape us and our relationships. Stories can also arise from repressed emotions and old energies in which we act unconsciously, block ourselves and feel disoriented.
On my own journey I have learned to make the unconscious conscious again and thereby become more authentic and free. As a very sensitive person, I have also learned to come back into my body and to redefine my limits naturally. My story has changed since then and I have more constructive, secure and fulfilling relationships.
Would you like to feel freer and more "whole" again, regain your strength and find a way to deal with your (highly) sensitive, empathetic side?
Then read on here. ♡
My approach
​I open a safe space for you in which I accompany you to explore your inner being. With tools from somatic and energetic body work, I support you in perceiving, feeling and sensing yourself more consciously. The focus is on careful discovery and acceptance, at your own pace.
To do this, we will strengthen your resources by focusing more on them again and finding "hidden" advantages in some difficult situations or habits. Together we will explore what you subconsciously believe about life and yourself and provide you with profound new perspectives.
I am primarily addressing very sensitive people who are often faced with the challenge of better distinguishing themselves, staying true to themselves, are heavily burdened by issues such as guilt and shame and want to regain their strength. Even after traumatic experiences I can provide support.
You can find out more about my approach here.
Sessions are possible in person (depends on where I am at the moment) and online. You can find current prices and my calendar here.
Important: I see myself as part of a holistic approach. My expertise lies in body centering, connection and realignment, I cannot replace medical treatment or classic psychotherapeutic treatment, but rather be a building block on your path. We'll find out together. ♡